EVENT: Pre-emptive Measures to Protect Movable Cultural Heritage and Enable Later Repatriation Efforts”

EVENT: Pre-emptive Measures to Protect Movable Cultural Heritage and Enable Later Repatriation Efforts”

Join us online (Zoom) for an insightful online event on
Tuesday Nov 28 2023
14.00 – 17.00 GMT
focusing on the pre-emptive actions to take to protect movable cultural heritage in the event of conflict and natural disaster and to enable later repatriation efforts.

In the first half we will look at recent cases of conflict and disaster and assess the effectiveness of preparatory measures taken, the use of Cultural Heritage At Risk Database (CHARD) to enable public and private agencies and individuals to be one step ahead by searching the art market proactively for registered ‘at risk’ objects, and the legal strategies countries should take in advance of armed conflict or natural disaster to facilitate the recovery of movable objects.

In the second half, we will focus on repatriation efforts, by looking at recent repatriations of cuneiform tablets to Iraq and the contribution of international exhibitions to repatriation efforts.

This will be followed by a Q&A.

The event is hosted by the BSI Working Group on Countering Trafficking of Cultural Materials, which was established under the Blue Shield International specifically to contribute to tackling trafficking of cultural objects.

Register now to secure your spot!


Looted archaeological site full of large holes
Looting at Isin, Iraq, 2003 © Dr John Russell

The Working Group of Countering Trafficking of Cultural Materials has become aware of cases where academics, scholars, museum, library and archive professionals, and other material cultural heritage subject matter experts (“SMEs”) have been discussing materials which are under investigation or possible investigation or their possible legal status, whether in an academic publication, any form of social media, a blog, a news story, or semi-popular publication. Doing so may disrupt the investigation and may pass on information that may be used by those involved in the trafficking or current handling of these materials to their advantage, and we urge those considering doing so to read this Guidance Note.

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