Blue Shield Netherlands shares the results of their strategic planning session, and we offer CONGRATULATIONS to the new President!
1.Strategic Session October 2021
Last October BS NL had a strategic session to discuss levels of commitment, finances, strengths and weaknesses of the committee.
As the positions in the committee are all voluntary and need to be combined with busy work and personal lives board members felt the need to take stock and decide how to move forward. Another reason to do this is the fact that in the Netherlands there is a large number of all kinds of players active in the field of CPP. Emphasising the Coordination Are of Activity, Blue Shield Netherlands wants to add something to that playing field and not be in competition with other organizations and/or people working in heritage protection.
The result is that the committee will focus on what they feel is their strength: connecting people and organizations working in CPP and/or related areas, on both a national as on an international level.
BS Netherlands will maintain work on awareness raising where and when possible but as of 2022 they will be less pro-active and moving towards ‘available when being called upon’.
2.Rearrangement of the board as of January 2022
Jeroen Vervliet is stepping down as President but remains in the board as the IFLA representative. Andrea Kieskamp (ICOM) will take over as President
Jesper de Raad (ICOMOS) will take over the role of Vice- President from Andrea.
Gerrit de Bruin remains the ICA rep in the board as the point of contact for conservation and restoration questions.
Angela Dellebeke (ICA) remains the Secretary-General
Congratulations to all on their new positions!
Andrea Kieskamp, new President of BS Netherlands, 2021