Training of heritage specialists, Military Training Centre, Poland

Training of heritage specialists, Military Training Centre, Poland

Group of people pose for photo by a military helicopter
Participants of the 10th course at the Military Training Centre For Foreign Operations in Kielce during practical training © Ministry of Culture and National Heritage

Training of specialists from Government Administration Departments at the Military Training Centre For Foreign Operations in Kielce, May 7-10, 2024

Blue Shield Poland was excited to provide significant support for  the 10th edition of training for civilian experts for the needs of Polish military foreign missions at the Military Training Centre For Foreign Operations in Kielce. The course was attended by specialists from Government Administration Departments – Culture and Protection of National Heritage. Participants were representatives of the academic community and institutions who are part of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. The course took place from 7 to 10 May 2024.

This training is one element in the preparation of Government Administration Department personnel to be able to carry out tasks within the framework of NATO goals for the Republic of Poland. The main objective of the course is to prepare civilian functional specialists in the area of cultural heritage protection to perform tasks in positions outside the country in Polish Military Contingents as part of civil-military cooperation. These cyclical meetings are an opportunity for a substantive exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices in order to improve the work of a civilian specialist on a military mission. As part of the military tactics trainings, the soldiers of the Center presented to experts in cultural heritage protection, among others, methods and principles of providing first aid, as well as principles of action in situations of increased threat. On the other hand, experts from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage familiarized soldiers with the principles of preparation and assessment of the condition of archaeological monuments and sites.


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