Obituary for Nancy Wilkie

Obituary for Nancy Wilkie

Today we share the very sad news that Nancy Wilkie died yesterday after a long battle with cancer. Nancy was one of the founders of the USA’s national committee of the Blue Shield and served as Secretary from 2006-2013 and as President from 2013-2020. Nancy was an elected member of the Interim Board of Blue Shield International 2014-2017 and of the Board 2017-2020.

Nancy was the William H. Laird Professor of Classics, Anthropology and the Liberal Arts, Emerita at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. She served on the Cultural Property Advisory Committee—a group of experts and members of the general public who advise the President of the United States on requests from foreign governments for import restrictions on their archaeological and ethnological artifacts in accordance with the USA’s Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act. Nancy began her archaeological career in 1968 and worked on archaeological projects in Greece, Egypt, and Nepal and served as President of the Archaeological Institute of America from 1998 to 2002. A graduate of Stanford University, she received her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Her calm reflective mind and eye for the smallest of details will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with her family.

Professor Peter G Stone

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