New members of Blue Shield Ireland

New members of Blue Shield Ireland


The Irish National Committee of Blue Shield are delighted to welcome two new members to the Irish national committee, Jessica Baldwin and Hugh Maguire. Both Jessica and Hugh are representing International Council of Museums (ICOM).

Jessica Baldwin trained as a paper conservator and established the Conservation Department in the Chester Beatty in 2003, which has become an integral and vital part of the museum. In 2014 she joined the senior management team as Head of Collections and Conservation. She is currently Membership Secretary and Treasurer of the Irish Committee of the International Council of Museums. Jessica has lectured extensively in collection care and is currently on a career break from the Chester Beatty.




Hugh Maguire is a Private Consultant in the Museum and Heritage Sector. A former member of the Interaction Jury for the Europa Nostra Conservation Awards he has also been active for a long time in ICOM- International Council of Museums, Chairing the Irish National Committee as well as ICOM’s recently established International Working Group on National Committees. Hugh is Advisor to the Pope Grotto Preservation Trust, Twickenham.


The current committee comprises of:

  • ICA – Zoë Reid (Chair) and Daniel Ayiotis
  • ICOMOS Ireland – Helena Bergin and Fergus McCormick
  • IFLA – Elizabethanne Boran (Secretary)
  • ICOM Ireland – Jessica Baldwin and Hugh Maguire
  • CPP/ World Heritage Expert- Patrizia La Piscopia

The committee is now focusing on the continued promotion of Blue Shield, through public events introducing Blue Shield to the public and the wider heritage audience and specific training events. During 2020 keys aims are

  • 17th August to mark two years since the ratification by Ireland of the 1954 Hague convention.
  • A dedicated INCBS website.
  • A short training course held outside of Dublin.

For further details and updates please check

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