Mozambique: state of national emergency

Mozambique: state of national emergency

Cyclone Kenneth before landfall just east of Pemba as a Category 2 tropical cyclone on April 25, 2019 © NASA

In March and April 2019, Mozambique was affected by two tropical cyclones: IDAI hit the centre of the country, KENNETH the North. Due to the extensive damage caused by these cyclones, the country needs urgent international support. Because of the scale of this disaster (a total of 64 districts and 19 counties were directly affected, but almost the entire country suffered from its adverse socioeconomic effects), the Government of Mozambique declared a State of National Emergency which must be taken into consideration right now and in the future. The situation is the result of climate change which is now a reality in this part of the planet.

In the culture sector, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MICULTUR), and United Nations Education, Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO) carried out the post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) in the provinces of Sofala, Zambezia, Tete and Manica where the impact on cultural heritage was expected. The report of the PDNA was the object of discussion between the National Representative of the Blue Shield in Mozambique with two assistants of the Executive Director Post Cyclones Reconstruction Cabinet. The report concludes that Mozambique needs specific reconstruction and recovery plans for damaged cultural heritage. However, for that it is necessary to carry on the post-disaster needs assessment, and to deepen concersn for cultural heritage for defining the priorities and future intervention.

Blue Shield in Mozambique is the first organisation of civil society in the country which contacted the Post Cyclones Reconstruction Cabinet to deal with cultural heritage. The national committee of the Blue Shield aims to coordinate, together with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, the creation of a network of national and international organisations to help Mozambique in developing procedures for risk preparedness and emergency response, and to help integrate cultural heritage in the national emergence system.

Download the report on the Mozambique Cyclone IDAI Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA).

Download the Mozambique Cyclone IDAI Sector Assessment: Culture (Report).

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