Meet the four founders of the Blue Shield in these interviews, where they discuss the events of the time that led to the creation of the Blue Shield, and their aspirations for the organisation they helped to found.
Patrick Boylan – then Vice-President of ICOM
Dinu Bumbaru – then member of the International Executive Committee of ICOMOS
George Mackenzie – then ICA Deputy Secretary-General
Marie-Thérèse Varlamoff – then Director of IFLA Preservation and Conservation Core Activity, IFLA
In 2021, the Blue Shield founders were presented with an Advocacy Award by the International Institute for Conservation. As part of that award, they participated in a panel where they talk about the founding of the Blue Shield. Read the transcript here: IIC Advocay Award for BS founding -en_2
You can also learn more about their work to found Blue Shield in this Panel, hosted on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Blue Shield
Read more about the history of the Blue Shield