First Assessment Mission to Libya

First Assessment Mission to Libya

The recent conflict in Libya called for an emergency assessment mission to determine the cultural heritage situation. Since no independent confirmation about damage and looting had occurred thus far, two organizations involved in international protection of cultural heritage, Blue Shield and the International Military Cultural Resources Work Group (IMCuRWG), organized a mission to meet with Libyan officials and get a first hand impression of the situation.

First Mission Report: Civil-Military Assessment Mission for Libyan Heritage
By Blue Shield and IMCuRWG
September 28 to 30, 2011

Read the Blue Shield First Mission Report Libya 09-2011 (pdf)

Photo: Blue Shield Fact Finding Mission to Libya: the mission team in Sabratha 28/09/11: (f.l.t.r.: BS President Karl von Habsburg, Joris Kila, and Hafed Walda)
This photo is available on Wikimedia Commons.

Photos of the mission are available for download on the website of Austrian Blue Shield
(Menu on the left: Missionen / Libya 2011)

Read the Blue Shield report of the second assessment mission to Libya

Read the first Blue Shield statement on Libya

Read the second Blue Shield statement on Libya

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