BS Poland hosts heritage protection events

BS Poland hosts heritage protection events

On May 28, the President of the Polish National Committee, Krzysztof Sałaciński, together with the participation of Lidia Klupsz, Board Member of Blue Shield International and the Polish Blue Shield Committee, spoke at the online XIII National Scientific Conference On International Humanitarian Law: “Contemporary challenges for international humanitarian law” organized by the Military Brand Academy in Gdynia, Department of Command and Naval Operations. The President and Ms Klupsz spoke on the panel: “Protection of cultural heritage in military operations”.

On June 17, the President conducted a workshop entitled: “Rules of conduct of cultural institutions in the event of a crisis and war threat – law and practice” at Villa Decius, in Krakow.

The participants engaged with topics including:

  • legal aspects of protection in the event of specific threats (the area of ​​defense and crisis preparations, civil liability insurance, protection of collections and institutions);
  • institutions specialized in the protection of cultural heritage;
  • cooperation and cooperation of various entities in the implementation of tasks for the safety of cultural heritage (government administration, local government, non-governmental organizations);
  • the Blue Shield program – ambulance, assistance, and advisory services for the endangered cultural heritage;
  • preparation of exercises in cultural institutions (practical advice on how to prepare them);

The workshop concluded with a discussion on what is happening internationally and nationally in terms of awareness and work regarding the safety of cultural heritage.


Read more about the events (in Polish) on the website of Blue Shield Poland

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