The President of the Blue Shield, Professor Stone, was proud to support the annual MPSOTC (Multinational Peace Support Education Center) “Cultural Property Protection” Course, which ran from 02-06 September. The training audience included 21 participants from 6 countries.
The course aims to to deepen participants’ knowledge and awareness about the importance of cultural property protection in various contexts – from peace to armed conflicts societies. The diverse curriculum tackled critical subjects such as the protection of cultural assets during armed confrontations, the role of stability policing in safeguarding cultural treasures, and effective strategies to counter illicit trafficking. On-location training sessions at archaeological sites further enriched the learning experience, providing students with a hands-on understanding of the challenges and rewards of preserving our shared heritage.
By offering this course, MPSOTC reinforces its commitment to international cooperation, enhancing the capabilities of nations to protect and honor their cultural legacies. As guardians of history, we all play a role in preserving the past for future generations.
Additional photos and more information are available on the MPSTOC website