Following the 2003 invasion, Iraq slowly descended into civil war. As the fighting increased, Blue Shield International issued the following statement.
Blue Shield statement
June 17, 2014
Blue Shield is appalled by the great suffering and loss of life in the current fighting in Iraq and expresses great concern about the safety of Iraq’s invaluable cultural and historical heritage.
Blue Shield urges all armed combatants to observe the international laws that protect cultural heritage and to act responsibly, safeguarding the testimony of Iraq’s unique history for the enrichment of future generations.
Read the Blue Shield International Statement on Iraq June 2014 (pdf)
A second statement was released regarding the actions on ISIS in Iraq. Read the March 2015 Blue Shield statement on ISIS in Iraq (pdf)
This statement was updated and reiterated in April 2015. Read the April 2015 Blue Shield statement on Iraq (pdf).